Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Ben, The Computer, and The Virus(s)

*Originally Posted August, 2006*

To set the stage for this story...As some of you may or may not know, as of last week I had not been online for like... 14 days, 9 hours, 22 minutes, and 7 seconds... or something close to that (not that I know exactly or anything). This was due to the breaking down of my computer... This, my friends, and not-so-cool people is the story of that account.

It all started one normal type of day... I was doing the normal type of stuff you do with a computer, you know: Surf the web, fiddle with programs, cook a pizza... you know the "norm". Little did I know a digital monster of sorts was lurking in the shadows... well... in my computer. Whatever. My computer had seemed to running a tad bit slow for the last couple of days, so I decided to check it for spyware and virus'... This is when things started going down hill. I ran my Microsoft Anti-Spyware program. It found a few items lurking about, but nothing of extreme crap. I decided to inquire further, so I ran a cheap (and by cheap I mean free) Yahoo Anti-Spyware program. It found several problems, one of which is known as a "root kit". This happened to be the "Sony root kit"... A nasty clocked spyware item that sends information back to its source (in this case Sony). It found the root kit, as well as a couple of other spyware items that it could not remove. Thus, it asked for my supreme help in deleting such hazards. I then went to the only website a good tech person should go to... Google.

I searched how to remove the "Sony root kit", found a site to show me how, then followed the steps to the "T". But somehow, somewhere, something went wrong. The system asked me to reboot my computer to save the changes I had made. I did so. However, when I tried to log back on, it froze up... So I tried my roommate's name... it worked. I made it though the deletion process then had to again restart the system... I thought that it would be fine, I mean I was now done with the deletion process, right? Wrong. Well, right, but no... it didn't work. Instead of the world going back to normal, it froze up on my roommate's log in... so I tried my brother's... it worked, but I was now leery of turning off my computer for fear that I would not be able to log back on (since I had now exhausted all of the log-in names). I left my computer on and tried to make sure it was fine... but I knew it was not. Finally it happened... It froze. I restarted it, but now it wouldn't even load a log-on screen. I tried as hard as I could to fix it using all of my computer nerd power, but it was useless... I had failed.

I did the unthinkable (for me), I let my roommate bring it to a corporate tech in hopes of getting it up and working again... He kept it for the better part of a week. His conclusion? He couldn't fix it. Me, I was bummed... and thought he sucked. There was now only one hope for my computer... The Travis! (AKA, The Supreme Tech Dude) If he couldn't fix it, it was hopeless and I miles-well just call it a big piece of useless metal and plastic crap, in a bigger metal and plastic case of crap. I took it to him. He worked on it... and worked on it... and worked on it some more. It looked grim, he told me he had never seen anything like it before... yep, I had jack it up pretty good. Finally... he fixed it! I was relieved... he told me what had happened was that when I deleted a certain file, it deleted another one with it (without me knowing)... an important one... the boot up one. Yep, important, I concur with him. He said, that, combined with a few dozen virus' was the source of my problem(s)... so ya, I learned my lesson... what did I learn you may be asking? Well, I learned never to put Twinkies on my pizza! You know, the one that I was cooking on my computer earlier... Other then that, I'm not quite sure what I learned...j/k


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