Thursday, December 17, 2009


*Originally Posted January, 2006*

Hello everyone.The story you are about to read is true... all of it. As such, make sure you have a tissue or a boyfriend/girlfriend near by when reading this, thank you.

I remember when I got it, it was a thing of beauty, it looked younger, and more... shiny. It lived a long, happy life; doing what it did best...making phone calls. It did it's job well, my little cell phone. Many conversations did it hear, and ...stuff. But alas, last night at Starbucks the cell phone saw it's last setting sun. Here is that some-what not inspiring story...

I had just finished my shift at the local Starbucks in which I work. I put away my headset, and put the battery in the charger to,well...recharge. I counted my till and was bringing it back to the drawer when the unthinkable happened... As I rounded the corner from the back with the till in my right hand, and my cell phone in my left a fellow Starbucks employee inadvertently bumped into me causing me to lose control of both my phone, and the till with the moo-la in it. I had to make a quick decision... I did not have time to catch both, the phone, and the till before they plummet on the hard floor below. So do I... A: save my phone and watch the till with the money go all over the floor, and be there probably unpaid for what's sure to be at least another 30 min, while I clean it all up, recount my till, see if anything's missing, if anything is., find it , or take it out of my own money? ...or B: catch the till, and watch the fate of my thankless little buddy as it hits the hard surface below? Well, I chose B. I indeed caught the till, and indeed the phone hit the ground. It was a hard fall, one that laid a crushing blow to the little cell phone. The only words I can muster up to say are... Rest In Piece's... two to be exact. the end.

PS: Funeral services times for Ben's cell phone have not yet been made...please feel free to send your condolences...and cash.

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