*Editor's Note*
When you're reading this blog please remember that the original post date of this was back in October, 2005 and I have grown as a writer since then. Please do not hold this against me, it is being posted for pure nostalgia. And so that you will hopefully find some humor in it.
Ok, so it's been a while since I've actually blogged on my blog. So I thought I would start taking the time to do some blog-age in hopes that someone, somewhere actually reads these things....Anyway, I have thoughtfully decided to title this "Starbucks, the untold stories" A: Because it sounds cool, and B: That's what this blog is about....Ok, so... diving right in.
Alright, so I've been working at Starbucks for something like 4 or 5 months now. You would think things would be pretty normal by now (i.e. with bosses, co-workers, how much of everything to get so we don't run out of that product) Ahh, but no, not at my Starbucks. No to everything above to be honest... To start with, my boss (who is military strict) doesn't seem to think I can do anything right. To add to that notion he figures he needs to call me by my first and last name whenever possible. And not just, Hey Ben Richardson do this..." no, that's not degrading enough...He has to say it like this, " FOCUS, BEN RICHARDSON!!! FOCUS!!! TAKE OUT THAT TRASH TO THE DUMPSTER!" I feel like I'm being read, "Taking out the Trash for Dummies"..... Like I need to focus SO hard on taking the trash to the dumpster... I mean, it's trash!!! If I spill it, woop-tee-doo...I just pick it up and put it in the trash, again. Second, with my boss not only can I not get anything right, I can't seem to do anything that's good enough either...I did a 41/30 the other day (made all the drinks for 41 transactions in 30 min) which is really good! But he wasn't there to see it, so I had to get the shift manager that I was on duty with to tell him that it was indeed true, because he didn't believe I did it....sad, eh? Anyway, after a bit of a spat with mister boss face things have gotten better, he seems to be giving me some more respect, and he even has called me "Ben" six times....in the four or five months that I've worked there....special I know. Anyway, there you have part one.
...Check back for part 2, The Co-Workers.
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