Sunday, December 13, 2009

Welcome, Make Yourself at Home

Well hello one and all, and welcome to the very first post on my official blog! Although I am new to this blog arena, in the past I have posted blogs to such accounts as MySpace, Facebook and the all but dead Xanga (back in the day that is). With those aforementioned sites listed I guess you could say that I thought it long overdue to get an official bog site! So I did, and here we are. And here you are reading it... or maybe you're just bored out of your mind. Who knows.

Now to preface a couple of things real quick just so that the kids at home aren't confused... First when reading a "Ben Blog" you should first note that 90% of the time they are meant to be of a humorous nature. So if you're looking for something to depress you and make you cry this may not be the blog for you... I'm just saying.

Second, if you're new to reading my blogs on here, but not new to reading my posts on the other sites bare with me on the new material! I want to post some of my older material on here too, just so that, well... others can read some of my older work too! But fear not new things are on the way I assure you! If you're completely new to reading my blogs... It's all new to you! Lucky! :)

So in closing, whether you're new to reading to reading my blogs, or an old timer (long time reader) coming back for more. I hope that you will "Follow" me on here, comment as often as you want, share with all your friends, and let me know that you're out there reading!


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