Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ben Goes on a Wedding Trip (AKA,The Not-So-Told Nashville Stories)

*Editor's Note*

This was originally posted in January, 2006. In fact it was the first blog after the Starbucks blogs had to be taken down. How's that for an interesting fact, huh? Oh... it's not interesting? Sorry. Read on.

Ok, so... Since there can be no more "Starbucks stories" I thought I'd take a you, the reader, (in case you didn't know who you were in all of this) on a little journey, to enlighten all of you (fine readers) to the experience that was Nashville! To place the proper setting....Some 5 peoples go to Nashville for our friend, Jay's, wedding. Setting set...let stuff begin.

Day 1.

Alright, to start things off... Me, and 4 other guys stuff themselves and all their stuff in my car and we start our trek to the city of Nashville. Now to introduce the crew...First there's me, tall studly dude with no butt, so my lack of butt starts to hurt 5 hours into the trip guy (AKA, the driver). Second there's Jay, Mr. glue a phone to my face (AKA Mr. ring off the hook face...AKA, the groom). Third there's Caleb, the fart anytime, anywhere I don't care guy (AKA, the fart machine). Forth there's Andrew, the I can't tell if you're mad or not because your face looks the same all the time guy (AKA the guy that your mom would let you go out on a date with because he's a nice guy...guy). And fifth there's Josh, the hey! You lookin' at me, because if you are I'm going to smash your skull in guy (AKA, the I can bench press a 150 lbs guy). Mix all 5 of us together, let us sit in a car for 10 hours, and you have a recipe for the best spicy chili casserole you've ever tasted (AKA, trouble). So pretty much the conversations on the way there consisted of...Pooshswah (sp?), Caleb playing Kingdom Hearts...So you hear...Ohh!Ooo!Ahh!NO!!Yes!Lucky! More Pooshswah...don't ask. Us talking about how wild of bachelors we are because we're listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack, and yes...more Pooshswah. Seriously, you don't want to know. We get to Nashville, we help with some stuff...shmoota, shmoota, shmoota. Then, sleep. By the way in case you really wanted to know "Pooshwah"...... is a kind of cheese. You and your dirty mind.

Day 2.

We wake up, and join up with a sixth person! Blake, the guy (AKA, the tall, I wanna do fun stuff the entire time guy). We decide to go soak up some local color so we go to this freakin' huge mall and kill some hour-age...Yep, it was fun...I had soda come out my nose and land in my chicken on my plate, I couldn't stop laughing... nobody else was really laughing but.... I guess you had to be there. Anyway, next we go to the wedding rehearsal...It goes well, we go to the rehearsal dinner/hay ride...in the freezing freakin' cold and light rain...We take a hayride. It's really hard to make hayride interesting so, ya...I'm skipping that. We eat, I say a poem I wrote for the occasion, people clap for me, and it's off to bed!

Day 3. Wedding Day...

First I woke up, which is good to do, it means I'm still alive... So that means I was already having a good day because I didn't kick the bucket...Next, I went with Jay to the hotel suite to turn it in to a love shack...And oh btw, we were successful...It was the love-ist love shack that ever shacked...yep. Finally the wedding... I'm wearing a Tux (boom baby!), everybody looks great, the bride and groom get married (which is typically what you want the bride and groom to do at a wedding). We go to the wedding reception, look cool in our tux's (boom baby!) and watch the bride and groom leave for their honeymoon (AKA, the love shack)....ummm and ya, we call it a night. I doubt they did though. Just sayin'.

Day 4.

Well, we went home...Actually we took a...umm, how do you say it. A Detour...To Mississippi...because we missed our exit. Then after that we were on the straight and narrow. 10 hours or so later we arrived in OKC, kissed the ground we walked on, and then washed our lips because we kissed the ground...and that's nasty. And that 's pretty much the whole trip...More to come from Ben soon.

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